The oft-ignored festival of The Presentation of Our Lord gives us some alternative texts to those appointed for Epiphany 4. These texts are Malachi 3:1-4, Hebrews 2:14-18, and Luke 2:22-24. Most interesting is the Hebrews text where we are reminded of Christ's solidarity with us mortals. It is a text filled with good news. It will be the preacher's task to proclaim it.
(The following questions have been developed to highlight the function of the Word in the text. These questions are not meant to be exhaustive, but are best used in conjunction with other fine questions available to exegetes. The function of the Word is a primary consideration of Law and Gospel preachers since the way the Word functions is the way the sermon must function. For more on this method and on Law and Gospel preaching, see my brief guide Afflicting the Comfortable, Comforting the Afflicted, available at or amazon.)
1. How does the Word function in the text? This passage from Hebrews 2 is simply filled with good news: Christ shares our flesh and blood, destroys death, frees us from slavery to fear, becomes like us in every respect, makes atonement for our sins, and helps us when we are tested. This is all Gospel!
2. How is the Word not functioning in the text? Though there are reminders throughout this text of how much we need a Savior, there is no call to repentance, no word which exposes our need for Christ, thus the Law is not really present in this text. The Malachi text is a good example of a Law text.
3. With whom are you identifying in the text? We are those to whom the writer of Hebrews speaks. We are the recipients of all this good news.
4. What, if any, call to obedience is there in this text? There is no invitation here to live in a certain way in response to this abundant grace.
5. What Law/Gospel couplet is suggested by this text? There are many possible couplets in this text, simply using the vocabulary present: slaves/free; condemned/atoned for; tested/delivered.
6. Exegetical work: Numerous theologians, down through the ages, have celebrated the good news brought to us in this text from Hebrews. Here are a few examples: The 9th century Byzantine teacher Photius, said this: "If the Lord had righteous and blessed power over the audacious evil that tempted his sinless body, he also is able to release those who are subject to sin and temptations and to be the helper to those who are tempted." (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, NT, vol. X, p. 51). Johannes Oecolampadius, reformer, wrote: "From this [review of Christ's life] it should be clear to any believers that temptations, sorrows, and consternation at death truly extended to the soul of Christ as well, as the Evangelist copiously testified." (Reformation Commentary on Scripture, NT, vol. XIII, p. 47). Martin Luther also chimed in: "Here the apostle distinguishes the brotherhood between us and the angels from that between Christ and us. He praises the abundance of God's love, namely, that He made Christ our brother not only according to the spirit, but also according to the flesh." (Luther's Works, vol. 29, p. 134). Modern theologian, Tom Long, has an inventive way of describing Christ's work: "What, exactly, was Jesus doing when he cried out his confession, 'I will put my trust in him?' The Preacher's answer: he was becoming a slave so that he could smuggle himself into the human slave camp." "When we see the Son of God not in the heavens or on a royal throne, but appearing in the slavequarters with whip marks on his back, then it is clear he came to help us, 'the descendants of Abraham,' not the angels." (Interpretation series, Hebrews, p.44-45).
Blessings on your proclamation!
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