Philippians 3:17-4:1 is the Second Reading appointed for the Second Sunday in Lent in the Year of Luke. It seems, at first glance, to have little to do with the Gospel reading from Luke until one realizes that just as Jesus weeps over Jerusalem, "the city that kills the prophets," so Paul weeps over those who "live as enemies of the cross of Christ." Both texts call us to examine our understanding of discipleship. It will be the preacher's task to set this challenge before the congregation.
(The following questions have been developed to help the reader discover how the Word is at work in the text. This is a fundamental concern of Law and Gospel preachers in that the way the Word functions is the way the sermon must, at least in part, function. For more on this method or on Law and Gospel preaching in general, see my brief guide, Afflicting the Comfortable, Comforting the Afflicted, available from and amazon.)
1. How does the Word function in the text? The Word is functioning primarily as a Call to Obedience, an invitation to live as imitators of Christ in response to the Gospel. That said, there is more than a hint of Law here as well, as Paul exposes those whose "god is the belly" who live as "enemies of the cross of Christ." The Gospel even makes an appearance near the end of the reading, where Paul reminds us of the promise that Christ will transform our lowly bodies into the bodies of his glory.
2. With whom are you identifying in the text? We are "the brothers and sisters" addressed in this text. We are those who are warned against letting appetites rule us, as well as those things that tempt us to abandon any cross we might be called to bear for the love of Christ.
3. What Law/Gospel couplet is suggested by the text? There are several phrases that can serve as fodder for couplets here. Some suggestions: enemies of the Cross/freed through the Cross; shame/joy; humiliation/glorification.
4. Exegetical work: In a polemic work refuting the Franciscan monk, Thomas Murner, Luther referred to this text in the following manner: "You want to build the church half upon temporal things, to mix the physical and spiritual, and to unite sin and grace. Yet St. Paul says, 'Our commonwealth is in heaven' [Phil. 3:20], and Christianity lives only by fleeing and deserting temporal cities, places, goods, honor, body, and everything earthly, and goes through them to eternal life just as it goes through sin, suffering and death." (Luther's Works, vol. 39, "Church and Ministry I). Fred Craddock would seem to be in concert with Luther when he says that this passage is not about Paul's usual concern - the freedom of the Gospel - but rather "a libertine lifestyle, perhaps even antinomian" tendencies. Craddock argues that Gentile believers were more than likely to misunderstand the freedom of the Gospel to mean that 'anything goes.' Here, Paul clearly rejects that, reminding his readers that to live with "the belly" as god, is to live as enemies of the Cross of Christ. (Interpretations series, Philippians, pp. 64-69.)
5. How does the Crossings Community model work with this text? Bruce Martin does a fine job of ferreting out the issues in this text in his 2014 analysis. He does an in depth analysis of the Law at work here in our "belly dancing," our failure to recognize our true citizenship, and where this all leads - destruction. Martin also shows how one must venture outside this text to find the Gospel which answers our condition. Go to to see the entire analysis archived under its reference.
Blessings on your proclamation!